Aging can be a frightening word for many, and yet it is an inevitable fact of life.
I confess I find myself crying at times whenever I contemplate the idea that my parents will not always be 'there' or my husband 'here', now that I'm married. Such gloomy thoughts must be faced, for they are truth, but dwelling upon them? Probably not the wisest choice, when considering your mental health.
In fact, research shows that the more optimistic the outlook on life, the longer the latter will be.
Today, I experienced a yearly evaluation, which might very well leave some grim-faced, but a smile dances on my lips even now. I know I have much to be thankful for in any circumstances. And let's all consider, do we really and truly know the meaning of hardship as Americans?
I think of Haiti...I see poverty.
I think of Roanoke...I see promise with the sun's shadow waving down on us through bare trees and beauty in the blue hills blanketed by snow.
I confess I find myself crying at times whenever I contemplate the idea that my parents will not always be 'there' or my husband 'here', now that I'm married. Such gloomy thoughts must be faced, for they are truth, but dwelling upon them? Probably not the wisest choice, when considering your mental health.
In fact, research shows that the more optimistic the outlook on life, the longer the latter will be.
Today, I experienced a yearly evaluation, which might very well leave some grim-faced, but a smile dances on my lips even now. I know I have much to be thankful for in any circumstances. And let's all consider, do we really and truly know the meaning of hardship as Americans?
I think of Haiti...I see poverty.
I think of Roanoke...I see promise with the sun's shadow waving down on us through bare trees and beauty in the blue hills blanketed by snow.
I see businesses holding on as the economy rises once again... churches on street corners where all are free to enter... a country that embraces its diversity without apology.
This is a new year full of fresh beginnings. My husband and I will soon be celebrating our first year anniversary, a close friend will soon be experiencing parenthood for the first time, and here at Back to Basics, we just finished creating a new commercial! I sincerely believe it could be a great year, but I'm convinced with even more certainty, that it will be what each of us choose to make it. So, with age comes positive changes such as wisdom and firmness of character. Likewise, with a company's age comes stability and strength. Back to Basics is a place you can lean on and trust.
Click below to catch a glimpse of what's in store for all of our patients here at Back to Basics...
I love this commercial!!